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This have minimal impact for users with high end PC's, however some mid and low-end PC users may benefit from these simple game settings to make sure you are granted the best scripting experience possible.
  1. Client > General > Enable Low Spec Mode
  2. Under Health and Resource Bars, ensure the box next to Enable HUD Animations is not checked. If it is, uncheck it.
  3. Under Ability and Attack Display, disable the following options: Show Target Frame on Attack, Show Attack Range and Enable line missile display.
  4. Go to the Game tab
  5. Under Graphics, enable the Prefer DX9 Legacy Mode option. ( EntropyPlus works in both DX9/DX11 )
  6. Now we need to modify some settings from within the in-game’s options. To do that, we need to launch a game. You can simply start a Practice Tool game for this.
  7. Navigate to the Video tab on the menu from the left.
  8. Make the following changes from this menu:
    - Uncheck Enable Screen Shake.
    - Change your display resolution to your monitor’s native resolution.
    - Move the slider for Graphics to Very Low or Low. This will automatically disable Shadow Quality as well.
    - Set the Frame Rate Cap to 60 FPS. It is important that the framerate is not set to Uncapped.
    - Uncheck Anti-Aliasing and Wait for Vertical Sync.
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