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The EntropyPlus Loader was completely re-designed couple days ago, therefore I decided to record a quick preview video and do a short explanation for every section/function.

Pretty self explanatory. It will show you the latest news such as any script updates, new script releases, EntropyPlus Loader updates, etc, etc.

You will be spending most of the time on that page. This is where the installed scripts are shown. As long as you see the script status as "Active" then you should be good to go, otherwise if status is "Updating" or "Disabled" the script might be currently updating or it might also be disabled for some reason, therefore you will not be able to use it. The auto-update function will simply auto push any script updates and it will auto update the scripts in the background without you having to do anything. Bottom left is the script importer as you can see it's pretty easy just click the button and locate the script then it will be installed normally. Obviously I already had the script installed, so I got the red message saying "Script already exists", but you got the idea.

Will show how much total games you have played ( with the script injected only ) also wins, loses, winrate, best champ and best lane.

User Details
Will show you detailed information about your account such as active subscription, expiration time, latest activity, etc, etc. Please do not attempt to do anything with the access key you see in my user details. It's not admin auth key or something similar, it's just auto generated access key which changes every time you login and it's generated only for logging purposes, so don't waste your time here.

Will obviously show you the latest loader updates and changes.

Bug Report
If you find any bugs, please press the button, fill the form and send us the report. Will be much appreciated.

Known Bugs
Last updated script date may not be showed properly. This is because of the auth system being using different time zones and time zones being used for general user and script cache as well. This interaction can lead to some dates not being shown properly. Note that this does not affect your subscription expiration date as this is fetched directly from a separate database.

The UI may "flicker" upon switching tabs and may gone completely black sometimes. In such cases just restart the loader.

In very rare cases, upon installing new script it will not be showed in the script list. Restart the loader and clear the cache.

"X" button ( bottom-left ) is obviously for closing the EntropyPlus Loader. The button next to it is for clearing the EntropyPlus Loader cache. Clearing cache might be helpful in some cases, so if you are facing any issues with script installation/update or anything related to the loader it's recommended to try clearing the cache first as this solves 99% of the issues.
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