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Below are the currently available payment options. If you want to use a payment option that is not listed below, please contact us.

Crypto currency
Accept all main currencies including, but not limited to ( Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, Tether USDT ( ERC20 and TRC20 ), Bitcoin Cash, Doge )
Recommended sites for buying crypto currency: Binance, Coinbase, CEX, LocalBitcoins, Paxful, Noones
Contact us if you want to use different crypto.

Gift Cards
Accept various gift cards including, but not limited to ( Steam, Google Pay, Apple, Amazon, Paysafe - LIMITED COUNTRIES )
Steam gift cards might be accepted in most main currencies including, but not limited to ( USD, EUR, CAD, AUD, GBP, HKD, KRW, NZD, BRL, TRY )
Google Pay, Apple, Amazon, Paysafe and any other cards are only accepted in USD or EURO currency.
Contact us if you want to use different gift cards.

Why not PayPal?
Recently a lot of users asked why PayPal is not supported. I decided to add this notice here, so everyone can know and be aware why.
Because we are selling undetected League of Legends scripting platform and this is strictly against Riot Games terms of service, who are known with their lawsuits against script providers. To prevent this, we need to keep our identity hidden, so we can't accept payment methods such as PayPal which reviews our identity. Sorry for any inconvenience this may caused.
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